Mayflower Music
We have enjoyed consistent vibrancy, quality, depth of theology and intergenerational participation throughout the many years. Our love for music is felt and experienced in our singing of congregational hymns, choir anthems, organ voluntaries and more. Our traditional Cantata Sunday offers an opportunity to craft a December worship service around a major work, including choir, soloists and instrumentalists from the Grand Rapids Symphony. Our Children’s Musical offers an opportunity to nurture our young talent and be led by our younger members in worship. Mayflower’s catalog of music spans the centuries from medieval chant and Renaissance polyphony to the music of today’s composers. Organist, choirs, and soloists provide musical leadership during worship on Sunday mornings.

We find occasions to bring all our choirs together and even to invite “all comers”. We strive to integrate music into the fabric of our life together, and reach beyond our walls with free live concerts and a YouTube channel. Our choirs function as small groups, caring for and supporting each other.

We welcome and invite you to become a part of our music ministries. There’s a place for you, regardless of age and ability.

By joining a vocal or handbell choir you will enjoy greater connectedness by being a part of a collective endeavor, you will improve and develop your musical gifts, you will add creative artistry and beauty to our worship services.


We welcome everyone to Mondays at Mayflower, occasional free concerts in our beautiful sanctuary and resonant atrium. This music outreach ministry offers free live music by local and international musicians featuring the finest repertoire of sacred and classical music. May these musical offerings enrich our lives, expand our imaginations and fill our spirits.

Click to view dates for upcoming concerts.

Free and open to the public. Ample parking.


More for info please contact Dr. Julia Brown.
Dr. Julia Brown
Director of Music and Organist

Chancel Choir

Singing is at the center of our gathered community. Chancel Choir leads Mayflower worship as it supports vital, faithful, and relevant liturgy. Our volunteer and professional singers join voices and hearts together each week, believing in the social, communal, and healing power of singing together.

Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9pm, most weeks September through May, and on Sunday mornings at 9:30am before our 10:30 am worship service.


More for info please contact Dr. Julia Brown.
Dr. Julia Brown
Director of Music and Organist

Mayflower Bells

Handbell ringing began at Mayflower decades ago with our middle-school youth. We own a five-octave set and a three-octave set of Whitechapel Handbells in addition to a four-octave set of Malmark Choirchimes.

Ringing bells provides a unique opportunity for people with a variety of different musical abilities to play and contribute to the life of our congregation. We invite both beginners and experienced ringers to consider joining our bell choir.

Mayflower Bells rehearses from 6 to 7pm on Wednesday evenings, September through May, plays in worship once every 4-6pm weeks and is directed by Julia Brown.


More for info please contact Dr. Julia Brown.
Dr. Julia Brown
Director of Music and Organist

Youth Choir & Bells
Grades 6-12

The Middle and High School music events meet Sunday nights in conjunction with ELEVATE

Middle and High School choir 4:30-5:00pm
Middle School Bells 5:00-6:00pm 

Click here for more information on ministries for children and youth.



More for info please contact Rachael Cooley.

Children's Choir & Chimes
4 Years - Grade 5

Our graded Children’s Choir program, under the direction of Abby Brooks, provides the opportunity to share in music learning and music making, as well as to begin engaging in choral musicianship and worship leadership, for children 3-years-old to 5th grade.


4:30-5:00 3rd-5th Chimes

5:00-5:30 Children's Choir (4 year old through Kindergarten)

6:15-6:45 Carol Choir (2nd-5th)

CLICK for music used during Midweek

CLICK for more information on children's ministries


More for info please contact Rachael Cooley.
Rachael Cooley