Youth Ministries

Church isn't just on Sunday mornings. At Mayflower, students in grades 6-12 are invited to engage in multiple youth ministry events. These events offer space for students to grow in their relationship with Christ and with one another.

For more information, contact

CONFIRMATION: Youth in 8th grade meet for 4 weeks to discuss their "Why". Confirmands were charged with writing their own personal Statement of Faith to complete the confirmation process and become recognized members of Mayflower Congregational Church. For more information, contact
ELEVATE: Youth in 6-12th grade are invited to youth group on Sunday evenings. At youth group, students build community through activities and games, discussions about faith and life, and projects which serve the community.
BREAKFAST CLUB: On Tuesday mornings, our high school students are invited to have breakfast together at Wolfgang's before heading to school.

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