Care & Serving

Mayflower provides care and support directly to our congregation through the Caring Connection and Congregational Care Committee. If you have a prayer need or would like to have someone reach out, please call the church office.

We also believe in Outreach and live out this commitment through giving of our time, talent, and treasures. A percentage of the church budget is given annually to non-profit organizations that are local and abroad. Mayflower participates in various volunteer adventures throughout the year.  For information as to how to get involved, reach out to Rachael Cooley, Interim Exec. Administrator (

CARING FRIENDS - A Caring Friend is a believer who serves the church in a way that is characterized by service, witness, and care, following the example of Jesus Christ. While various Christian denominations use the term somewhat differently, the best way to view the Mayflower deacons is as conduits: they connect people. They connect needs in our community to resources to meet that need. The deacons serve as a supplement to pastor care from our ministers, not a replacement.
OUTREACH - Mayflower sets aside a significant percentage of our annual budget for Outreach. Outreach partner organizations such as Safe Haven Ministries, Baxter Community Center, and New City Neighbors.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES - Throughout the year, Mayflower offers members of all ages a variety of opportunities to serve our community. From bell ringing for the Salvation Army to tutoring at area schools.

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