Lent by Candlelight - DeeDee Tibbits

Lent By Candlelight 2025 6:30PM MEAL; 7PM MUSIC MARCH 17 DEEDEE TIBBITS, HAMMERED DULCIMER Soundscapes of the Hammered Dulcimer Join us as DeeDee Tibbits brings her artistry and enthusiasm to a unique program featuring the hammered dulcimer. A Michigan native, DeeDee is an accomplished music educator and a regular performer in festivals nationwide.

HS Breakfast Club

High Schoolers, join us for Breakfast at Wolfgangs!


Midweek Wednesdays are a night of intergenerational fellowship. Families are invited to an evening meal provided, while children attend choir rehearsal, bell choir, and youth group.

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir Practice -Child Care Provided-