Elevate - Youth Group

Elevate Youth Group 5-5:45pm Middle School 5:45-6:15pm Dinner for Middle & High School 6:15-7pm High School

Lent by Candlelight - Duo Tarasque

Lent By Candlelight 2025 6:30PM MEAL; 7PM MUSIC MARCH 24 DUO TARASQUE Howell Petty and Luce Burrell return with a program of Medieval music for voice and lute. Join us as we immerse ourselves in the sonic world of Hildegard of Bingen, and other composers of 700 years ago. New York City-based Duo Tarasque specializes […]


Midweek Wednesdays are a night of intergenerational fellowship. Families are invited to an evening meal provided, while children attend choir rehearsal, bell choir, and youth group.

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir Practice -Child Care Provided-

Elevate - Youth Group

Elevate Youth Group 5-5:45pm Middle School 5:45-6:15pm Dinner for Middle & High School 6:15-7pm High School