69UP Event

Everyone in the age group of 69 and above is invited to a social event Thursday, July 25, 5-7pm at the home of Ann & Don Kelly. RSVP to Murry Idema and indicate if you will bring an appetizer or a bottle of white wine to share (616-901-3842 or murry@mayflowerchurch.org).

Mom's Night Out

MOMS' NIGHT OUT | Thursday, Aug. 1 | 4pm Mayflower moms are invited to join us for an evening of fun and fellowship at Courtney Weiler’s (937 San Lucia). Drinks and snacks provided.

Kickball Event Youth Group

Middle schoolers and High schoolers are invited to play kickball!  This is a joint event with the youth group at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Contact Rachael C. with questions.
