Midweek Programming Update for Dec. 4 due to WINTER STORM WARNING
Chancel Choir earlier rehearsal, 5:30-6:30pm (subject to change, please check your email before leaving home)
All Children and Youth Programming (Chimes, Choir and Advent Alive) CANCELLED/postponed to Dec. 11
Mayflower Bells Practice CANCELLED/postponed to Dec. 11
Advent Learning Series (Mary the Mother of Jesus) CANCELLED/postponed to Dec. 11 this will livestream on Facebook and the Mayflower website on Dec. 11 and Dec. 18
It is with great consideration we make these decisions, taking into account people’s safety based on the most recent weather updates. Please stay safe and warm and we will look forward to seeing everyone next Wednesday for Midweek – The BEST Night of the Week!!!
Please call the office or reach out to Rachael Cooley with any questions.