Our Story

Mayflower Congregational Church | est. 1958

The Congregational church movement grew out of a greater initiative in church history called the Reformation. The Reformation emphasized personal responsibility not Papal authority, and held that all who attend worship be invited to participate and sing, not just the minister, and the reading and study of the Bible was a right of every church member.

Mayflower Congregational Church was founded in 1958. Many of Mayflower’s founders came from Park Congregational Church in Grand Rapids. Park was joining the newly forming denomination, the United Church of Christ and Mayflower founders wanted to remain independent. This group had the vision to build a new Congregational church on Robinson Road.

Mayflower Church is governed by the church council according to by-laws, with an Annual Meeting in June to review, propose, and approve direction voted on by the congregation as a whole. The Council is led by a Moderator, Vice Moderator, and Treasurer. There are ten committees comprised of 70+ members who are passionate about serving and leading the church.

Mayflower Congregational Church honors the brave and bold spirit of its founding members and friends who embarked on a journey in 1958 to serve a new congregation at 2345 Robinson Road.

Sixty years later, we are a vital and growing congregation from a wide variety of denominations and traditions. We are grounded in Reformed theology, honor our congregational church heritage, and are innovative in our approach to mission and ministry.

Below is a link to a condensed version of our history compiled from our two history books.

Mayflower History

Our History