At Mayflower, new member classes are offered throughout the year. Those called by the Holy Spirit are welcomed into the church family during worship and inducted as members by stating the Mayflower Covenant or the Great Commandment as Jesus taught his disciples:
Members publicly identify as a faithful part of our community, and support Mayflower church through engagement, spiritual growth, and giving. Members are critical to the leadership of the church by voting for Council membership, the annual budget, and calling our next pastor.
Mayflower members are invited to share their gifts of time and talents in one of the many areas of our common life. For example, members serve as greeters, ushers, choir members, event helpers, and church committee members.
Members are also invited to make a financial commitment. Many members give a “tithe” and use the 10% figure as a guide for giving (as cited in the Old Testament.)
Jesus also refers to this concept of tithing. At Mayflower we believe an important question to ask is, “What percentage of my/our income will I give to God in gratitude for the blessings I have received in my life?”
We invite you to consider making your support of Mayflower’s mission and ministry a growing and vital aspect of your relationship with God.
If you would like to learn more, please contact the church office at 616-459-6255
to be put in touch with the church Moderator or other Council member.